The question asked in my blog title will probably upset many Jamaicans and lovers of Jamaica but the question really needs to be asked. I've noticed that Jamaicans will look at the headline of an article or read the first sentence and simply start to sate their opinions on the issue despite not reading the entire article through comprehensively. Jamaicans are very hard working people but can be very lazy when it comes to reading. On my way to and from work each day I read a book on my journey and I'm looked upon by others as if I'm doing something out of the norm.
Without a thirst for knowledge how will our country even make steps to improve? The lazy attitude when it comes to reading and comprehension will be the reason why we continue to choose the wrong representatives to lead our country. What brought on this question was the recent proclamation by the British Prime minister that a prison will be built in Jamaica to accommodate Jamaicans serving term in British prisons. Apparently, majority of Jamaicans bypassed the reason why the prison was being built and went straight into suggesting that the money should be used to build factories. Why are we entitled to any financial assistance from Britain? Why don't our leaders see any need for factories to be built? Why do we continually sit and wait on gifts from other nations?
Many Jamaicans would rather ask you what was said than go and find out for themselves, because reading is such a huge burden. The government is aware of this attraction to ignorance so they continue to spew out foolish promises because so many Jamaicans will never go and research the actual truth. So the country remains in the same stagnant state.
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