It's a year when the world is looking forward to the upcoming World Athletic Championships. We here in Jamaica are excited as usual to see our track stars take the world by storm. As the build up to the world championship continues some have become alarmed as to whether our athletes will be able to deliver the brilliant performances that we have come to expect. I however, am not alarmed and is excited at the prospect of the sensational new Jamaican starts that I'm seeing coming to the front of the pack. I love the sport of track and field and tune in from the basic school to the senior level. When I see the determination on the faces of the youngest in our society as they put out their all to become victorious it gives me a sense of hope that despite all the negativity that often surrounds my island the sport of track and field continues to provide an oasis to bring unity amongst all of us. During the boys and girls championship season we see school ties on coaster bu...