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Showing posts with the label kings

When a King finds his queen!

Image: Lovestruckcollection So you've been in a couple relationships and despite giving it your all you still end up on the failing end at the end of the day. What keeps going wrong? Why can't you seem to find the perfect partner for you? Are you just simply bad at choosing partners or are you just looking for the right things in the wrong place. You are looking for a woman who will support you and love you for who you are but you continually pursue women who have no depth. You seek out women who are openly obsessed with materialistic things and their looks but somehow you expect those women to be open to loving and investing in you? The truth is many times it isn't that we failed at a relationship it is that we continually give our all to people who don't even understand the meaning of sacrifice. We can't expect someone to appreciate the love we give them if they have no idea of the meaning of love itself because of their self obsession. When a King comes...
