It's so easy for us to complain it's like we do it everyday. Are we more thankful for the blessings we have no matter how small they seem? It seems to me that more than ever people are more ungrateful than they are grateful. No matter how bad things are always remember that they could be much worse. Our house isn't big so we complain rather than be thankful that we have a house. Our pay cheque is small so we complain rather than be thankful that we have a job. Our skin isn't flawless so we complain instead of be thankful that we still have our skin to protect our bodies. Our body isn't sculpted perfectly so we complain instead of being thankful that all our body parts are still functioning. Our world is very ungrateful and we can never seem to be satisfied no matter how many blessings we have. This week I ask of you to be thankful for something everyday no matter how small it may seem.