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Showing posts with the label gracekennedy

Protecting our children

In recent times, our country has been sent into shock waves as it relates to the increases in acts of violence towards our children. It sends pain throughout our bodies as Jamaicans because our future is hurting. Calls from all sectors can be heard about what measures can be taken to ensure that we put a stop to this problem. It starts with each and everyone of us as Jamaicans because at times parents aren't around or even those who are around aren't setting the best examples for their children. Throughout the month of May, I decided to start a challenge called the Saccheen Laing read one book a week campaign. I decided to do this challenge as a means to show our young people that reading can be fun and we as the older ones do enjoy it. I added the element of posting a selfie after the end of the week along with a caption with a lesson that you got from the book. This challenge was an oasis in the midst of the Charlie Charlie challenge and other challenges that add n...
