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Showing posts with the label Friendships

Marriage wasn't meant for everyone

In recent times I have seen a lot of people on social media posting about finding the right partner and settling down. We all had dreams growing up of the fairy tale wedding and the happily ever after. With each passing day are we all not seeing that we need to put these fairy tale ideals aside and start living in the real world. Firstly, the idea that the ring needs to be perfect for the proposal to be perfect. Newsflash there doesn't even need to be a proposal or an engagement period. Secondly, the continued addiction to looking at wedding dresses and venues will set up yourself for a lot of disappointment later in when you realize it's unrealistic to spend so much money on the ceremony. Why are so many christans so eager to get married? Is the temptation of sex before marriage getting to you and you need to rush the process? When you go to a church as a young lady it's as if the young men have never seen a young lady before, the desperation radiates from their bod...

Beware of bad advice

Everyone is struggling with something or another and we all look for answers in either things or people. When we are vulnerable we sometimes tend to forget to properly analyze the source that we take our advice from. Believe it or not these days there are a lot of people who will take advantage of your vulnerable state and feed you with the worse advice at the time when you need the best of advice to help you move forward. Many people have ended up in far worse situations than they started out in just because they quickly ate up the advice of others. Everyone is different and different strokes work for different folks. Someone may have the best of intentions but that particular advice isn't the best for the person that you are. When we are vulnerable we have to still be very careful about the people who we decide to take life changing advice from because at the end of the day they aren't the ones who have to live with the consequences.


Friendships and relationships continue to suffer due to the journey for perfection. People enhance their bodies on the journey to what they view as perfection. People seek knowledge of certain things in order to achieve perfect intellect. This journey towards perfect leaves us from time to time to believe that others around us must themselves step up and be perfect or they no longer fit into our perfect lives. Believe it or not those friends who falter from time to time will help you to either learn from their mistakes or they will inspire you when they overcome the mishaps. As friends we can't drop those who maybe aren't able to keep up with the speed at which we are reaching the end our journeys. Often times I see quotes that speak about drop those who aren't going anywhere behind and go after your dreams. However, we have to make sure that we don't drop those who are progressing but aren't yet at perfection. 
