Everyone is struggling with something or another and we all look for answers in either things or people. When we are vulnerable we sometimes tend to forget to properly analyze the source that we take our advice from. Believe it or not these days there are a lot of people who will take advantage of your vulnerable state and feed you with the worse advice at the time when you need the best of advice to help you move forward. Many people have ended up in far worse situations than they started out in just because they quickly ate up the advice of others. Everyone is different and different strokes work for different folks. Someone may have the best of intentions but that particular advice isn't the best for the person that you are. When we are vulnerable we have to still be very careful about the people who we decide to take life changing advice from because at the end of the day they aren't the ones who have to live with the consequences.
Have you ever been to a church service and when the singers are singing you feel nothing? You can hear the words coming out of their mouths but they have no conviction whatsoever? Music is one of the most important parts of church ministry and if God isn't in it, it shouldn't be called Gospel music to begin with. Some singers in church sing for self! They know they are blessed with beautiful voices so they use the church to showcase it but it isn't about ministry. It is simply to let people know what they have going on. They stand before you and they have blank expressions on their faces, while they sing such powerful lyrics. They aren't moved by it but they somehow expect that the congregation will be. The next issue is that of the modern day Gospel music. Call me old fashion but it isn't my flavour at all. Why should I have to be wondering whether I'm listening to Gospel or I'm at a dancehall event? Why does the church have to change itself to resemb...
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