We expect that our friends will always be there for us that they will always have all the answers to our problems. We feel as if they should never do anything to have us questioning the friendship and things should always be perfect. Do we often forget that they are humans just like us? are we able to provide all the things that we expect from them?
We expect that our partner will always be the most romantic, the most understanding, the most loving every single day of the relationship. There are days when I don't even feel like seeing another human much less to be pampered 24/7. We can't expect that every single day we will have everything our way and our life will be perfection. Sometimes we list all these expectations for others and we don't even realize that these expectations are what are driving people away from us because the truth be told not everyone can fulfill everything that we need but we should always look at those who make and effort to do the best they can.
It is our list of expectations that often breaks us down and make our life seem far worse than it actually is. If we don't place so many expectations in mankind we won't have to be so broken when we realize that our expectations have been ripped to pieces. People make mistakes, people will forget to stay on the right path but that's okay because we are all humans and once we realize that our lives will only get better
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