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Showing posts with the label thoughtfortheday


Friendships and relationships continue to suffer due to the journey for perfection. People enhance their bodies on the journey to what they view as perfection. People seek knowledge of certain things in order to achieve perfect intellect. This journey towards perfect leaves us from time to time to believe that others around us must themselves step up and be perfect or they no longer fit into our perfect lives. Believe it or not those friends who falter from time to time will help you to either learn from their mistakes or they will inspire you when they overcome the mishaps. As friends we can't drop those who maybe aren't able to keep up with the speed at which we are reaching the end our journeys. Often times I see quotes that speak about drop those who aren't going anywhere behind and go after your dreams. However, we have to make sure that we don't drop those who are progressing but aren't yet at perfection. 

Check the new pages

Sometimes we meet people on a bad day,month or year. Sometimes we don't see the entire story but only a fraction and it may not be pleasing to us. Sometimes we meet people when they are trying to over come an obstacle in life but we don't see that. Sometimes we meet people after they have overcome a heartbreak but we just look at the fear in their eyes and laugh at their weakness. Sometimes we are presented with the old pages of someone life but and we form conclusions without flipping to the new pages. Sometimes we are so caught up in that particular bad moment that we experienced that the newness of a new day are never factored into our analysis.
