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Showing posts with the label spirituality

Church ministry without God

Have you ever been to a church service and when the singers are singing you feel nothing? You can hear the words coming out of their mouths but they have no  conviction whatsoever? Music is one of the most important parts of church ministry and if God isn't in it, it shouldn't be called Gospel music to begin with. Some singers in church sing for self! They know they are blessed with beautiful voices so they use the church to showcase it but it isn't about ministry. It is simply to let people know what they have going on. They stand before you and they have blank expressions on their faces, while they sing such powerful lyrics. They aren't moved by it but they somehow expect that the congregation will be. The next issue is that of the modern day Gospel music. Call me old fashion but it isn't my flavour at all. Why should I have to be wondering whether I'm listening to Gospel or I'm at a dancehall event? Why does the church have to change itself to resemb...

Marriage wasn't meant for everyone

In recent times I have seen a lot of people on social media posting about finding the right partner and settling down. We all had dreams growing up of the fairy tale wedding and the happily ever after. With each passing day are we all not seeing that we need to put these fairy tale ideals aside and start living in the real world. Firstly, the idea that the ring needs to be perfect for the proposal to be perfect. Newsflash there doesn't even need to be a proposal or an engagement period. Secondly, the continued addiction to looking at wedding dresses and venues will set up yourself for a lot of disappointment later in when you realize it's unrealistic to spend so much money on the ceremony. Why are so many christans so eager to get married? Is the temptation of sex before marriage getting to you and you need to rush the process? When you go to a church as a young lady it's as if the young men have never seen a young lady before, the desperation radiates from their bod...
