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How to be the perfect side chick

One of the most popular terms these days is that of the sidechick. What is frightening however, is that women are quite happy with playing the runner up position in a man's life. So,the title of this post is how to be the perfect sidechick. No, I don't approve of any woman playing that role so the answer to being the perfect sidechick is to not be one at all. A woman should never feel comfortable being second place in a man's life and a woman should never accept that their man has another woman on the side. It's not the men who have made this term popular it's the women who accept the position and even take it a step closer to brag about it.

Any woman who brags about being second place in a man's life is a woman who has no worth and a woman who believes that her man can't help but keep another woman on the side also has lost her worth. If we as women get up and realize our value and not accept these terms then people will stand up and start taking relationships more seriously.  My advice to women is to respect themselves and respect their relationships. You see a couple stay away from the union and stop pushing up yourself trying to stir up mischief. Men are very weak when it comes to sexual advances but always remember the female who willingly takes part knowing that the man is already accounted for. These are the same women who expect their man in the future to be faithful to them. Men now a days aren't putting out as much effort in relationships because they realize that woman are starting to accept any and everything. 

So my final words on this topic is that women value themselves and not settle for less than their worth.



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