For years we have heard the saying ' show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are'. Many of us stand by this saying and believe it to be true in all instances. However, I can say to you that this saying isn't always the case because you can be in a situation but not be affected by it. For instance, there are three friends who hang out together for three years, one is a pimp, one is a doctor and one is a happily married teacher. They all maintain their perspective lives and are not influenced by the lives of others. However, there is another group of friends, one is a stripper,one is a stay at home mom and the other is a lawyer. The stay at home mom becomes envious of her lawyer friend because she is making her own money while the lawyer friend is envious of the attention that her stripper friend gets from men while the stripper friend is envious of her lawyer friend because she has a respectable profession. It all comes down to the individual and how easily influenced you are.
These days calls have increased for individuals to associate themselves with people who are going in the same direction as them yet in the same breath we are reminded that variety is the spice of life. In every group of friends it's variety that makes the friendships stronger. True friendships shouldn't end because we aren't moving at the same pace true friends help to push their friends so that they can get going again when they are down . What we need to look at primarily are the friends who support us regardless of the stage of life we are at. This friends who never offer any support to you are the friends that should be left behind when have achieved our dreams. Many friendships have ended because a friend elevated his or her status in life and thought they could no longer be seen with those friends who were there for them when they nothing. When friends like those walk away from you don't ever shed a tear for them as they were never truly your friends to begin with.
When some friendships end we have to sit and reflect and see if the ending was for the best. If you are being taken advantage of, if you aren't receiving support and if you are easily impacted by the negative actions of that friend it is indeed a good decision to walk away. Before totally walking away from a friendship however we should always offer words of encouragement and try to influence change its only when we realize that there is no desire to change that we should cut the cord on the friendship. If in the future that individual comes around we should always open the door as true friendships may die down for awhile but why often spring up again later on.
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