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Bitter baby mothers and worthless fathers

So the relationship has come to an end and you can no longer stand to see his face and you get upset every time you think about him. The story of the bitter baby mother is a very familiar one to us as we see it on social media platforms and in television shows. As like every other issue these days the first place to air grievances is on social media. Bitter baby mother believe they are doing what is best for their child but it's actually the total opposite. The best thing for the child is to have their parent in their lives if of course that parent isn't mentally ill or otherwise dangerous to the safety of the child. A bitter baby mother should never pretend a father from having a relationship with his child because of her hatred for the man. Whatever went wrong between the both of you is between the both of you the child has no part in that. I recently watched a movie where the mother hid from her daughter for years that her father tried to connect with her because of her hatred for the father. The daughter grew up with a hatred for her father and men. The selfish actions of bitter baby mothers ends up hurting the child in the long run as they grow up with this void in their lives. Bitter baby mothers need to stop putting the father of their child on blast for the whole world to see because it looks bad not only on you but it will harm the child in the future. Respectable ladies will find other outlets to address the issues that they have rather than splashing it on all social media sites. Your immaturity in cases like this reflect the type of example you are showing for your child. 

As it relates to those fathers who are given the opportunity to be a part of their child or children life but refuse to do so, you are worthless. Being involved in the life of your child is far more than just providing financial help or snapping a few pictures to show the world that you are a father. Do you know your child's dreams, likes and dislikes, favourite colour or meal? A father will make the time to ensure that they have a relationship with their child that they will remember and not just the gifts that they gave them.

My advice is that bitter baby mothers will put aside the feelings that they have for the father of their children and consider the best interest of the child and for worthless fathers to get up and do what it takes to ensure that they play a greater role int he life of their child than just providing financial assistance.



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