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Why I'm doing everything the natural way!

Shea moisture,Castor Oil, Curl enhancing smoothie, Dr. Bronner's soap,Turmeric and lime mask, Activated charcoal scrub and Milk of magnesia

Growing up like majority of other young people I didn't care much about eating healthy or using natural products. I haven't taken a pill in over a year and have opted to do everything naturally. I only use natural products on my skin and hair . My skin care and natural products I purchase from Earth Elements located at Shop#3A Savannah Plaza,35-41 Constant Spring Road.
When it comes to deodorant I use either Arm & Hammer Baking Soda deodorant or I use milk of magnesia under my arm. I haven't used an Antiperspirant  in years due to its link to breast cancer in women. I will not sit here and claim to have it all together because I still struggle with healthy eating habits on a daily basis but I continue to make an effort to do things healthier.

I've suffered with really bad anemia for many years which results in me being tired easily and having a really low blood count. Having had really bad reactions to my iron medicine and pills over the years I opted for the natural alternative. I now use beetroot to help with my anemia and I've seen  changes in my energy levels for the better

Beetroot and carrot juice

Like many other females I usually resorted to pills to get me through my menstrual cramps on a monthly basis. I relied on these pills completely until the blessed day my mother introduced me to the healing powers of turmeric and I've never looked back. I simply grate the turmeric that can be purchased from any market, boil it, strain it and add some almond milk or any other sweetener of your preference.  I guarantee that no matter how painful your cramps may be this remedy works like a charm! I also haven't used sugar to mix my tea for years as I use honey for all my sweetening needs.

For more information on my natural alternatives feel free to ask your questions below!



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