As a young lady growing up in these times isn't the easiest of things. We are constantly told to be proud of how we look and to always be confident. Often times we are told to be proud of ourselves by people who aren't proud of themselves. What I mean is that you will see an influential individual share an image of flawless skin and beautiful long flowing hair with a caption of love me with all my flaws and all. If you are indeed proud of these flaws why are they hidden? Where are the flaws you speak of when you are proudly showing us a touched up image of yourself? For those of us who will never have a huge fan base to validate our looks every couple of seconds how do we become confident?
Then there are those who will share an inspirational quote about how what's on the inside matters most yet they are the first to share images of individuals to make fun of them because of how they look. The world gives us app after app to smoothen,lighten, curve and shape our images for some of us to simply fit in with the crowd. When you decide to conform you are called basic and lame. Nothing is wrong with not looking like everyone else. If you want to improve yourself do it for you and not to simply be validated by others. The world we now live in is all about validation despite what so many claim to say about not caring about what anyone says. Many will say I don't care about what anyone says about me but when they dress up and step out they echo the words "No one can say me look pop down".. Clearly you weren't doing it for yourself but for validation from others. When you are sure of yourself you don't need to proclaim loudly what you represent because it can be seen without a word leaving your lips.
Young ladies it is hard to not give in but it's beautiful to stand out and be your own light.
Do you do the things you do for yourself or are you simply doing them to be a part of a particular circle? After doing these things do you feel complete? Are you proud of yourself? Do you feel like you have chased your passion and you can now leave this earth having completed your purpose? Some of us have no idea what our purpose is and instead of finding it we spend all our years helping others finding their own. Everyday we get up and we keep up certain appearances as if we are happy wandering this earth not knowing what we are. We are swayed by the hype so much that we have no idea who we are or what we believe without it. So many of us go in search of a belief or an outlet to find ourselves but the truth is until we can look into ourselves and find it, we will only be led by others who want us to be on the same path as them. Wake up! Shake off the conformity! Think long and hard about who you are when you strip off the fashion labels and the borrowed locks and if you aren't happy with who you are you need to spend more time discovering yourself than simply borrowing from others to paint the image of acceptance.
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