Being young in this world is by far not an easy journey riding on a roller coaster for five hours straight would perhaps be a much more easier task. That's how the journey is really at first we are filled with excitement ready and willing to be taught, grabbing the instructions as we go on our ride. As the journey goes on and on we have to take matters into our own hands understand how our mind works and what is right for us. We will throw up now and again and we may have friends and parents to wipe up our mess but there are times when we have to decide whether or not we will sit in our own mess or learn to clean it up ourselves.
I have come to understand a trend with young people, we are so dependent on those around us especially in how we think. Some of us are simply robots walking on the face of this earth. To be different today is to be called ugly or lame. Young people will spend what little they have to simply fit in, to attend all the parties and look fashionable. When you strip yourselves of the clothes and the jewels is there much left? what do you stand for what do you represent? Why aren't more young people motivated to make a change in this world why not save the little you have and make a better life for yourself in the long run?
We crave attention as young people, the more we get the more we want its like a drug and some of us will do any and everything to get it a form perhaps to validate our existence to make us feel better about ourselves. I used to crave attention due to having low self esteem and people used to have certain perceptions about me. I used to be one of those girls who wanted to fit in who would dress to be seen by men. When you go through life and you are shaken and hit by certain situations you wake up and learn and change the path you are on. I don't claim to be perfect because God knows I'm far from it but with each and everyday I try to do one thing to change this world if it's even an uplifting word to someone. I'm not here to judge anyone or the path you have taken in your life all I'm trying to say is ensure that the path you have taken is one you will be proud of. Don't do what it takes to fit in with everyone because believe it or not the world needs young people who will walk out of that crowd. Value is something that is very rare in today's generation. When you put yourself out to the world are you representing your true self or simply just putting out what you believe will get you recognized.
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