This morning I woke up a gleaner article stating that certain roads are being fixed due to the approaching visit of the president of the United States. Of course, like many of my fellow Jamaicans I believe it's really a privilege that the president will be making his presence be felt on our beautiful island. My problem however, is the utter lack of respect that this government apparently has for the regular Jamaican citizens. I watch the news basically every night and almost every night there are citizens protesting about the conditions of roads in their community. My concern really is quite simple is it that we are not worthy of our roads being fixed,are we just peasants and need to reach a certain level in society or perhaps migrate and elevate our status before our concerns will be addressed in such a quick manner?
Am I to believe that this is the same government who claims to not have the funds necessary to fix the roads that we as citizens have been complaining about? Well then if that is the case I guess the government stirred their empty pot of funds and a magical amount of cash as turned up just in time for the visit of the president. My fellow Jamaicans does it need to become any clearer to you that the government will do whatever they feel like doing and is not affected in anyway by what our concerns and needs are. If the government doesn't see the need for something to get done it will not be done. So unless we get some form of status from outside this island we will have to continue to cope with the bad roads that we have to drive on everyday unless the president decides to take a trip throughout every corner of Jamaica.
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