As it relates to men these days something has been puzzling me as well. Why would a man leave a women who stood by him while he had nothing until he achieved his dreams then get up and leave her for the first gold digger that walks by? Men need to wise up and stop be hypnotized by the sway of hips and naked flesh and start to look at character. What will happen if the ladder you are standing in falls apart? That gold digger who caught your eyes for a couple second will leave you just like that.
The obsession in society with material things has clouded the mind of young people so much. Relationships fall apart just like that because of the weakness of the structure. Relationships are built on the highest bidder and the most appealing body. When the money runs out and when the body is out of shape the structure just falls apart. Before you blame the whole world for your heartbreak evaluate the true cost of your heart and the value of your love.
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