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I am ashamed of Jamaican politics

(Image source: The Jamaica Gleaner)

  At the young age of 24 yrs old I am officially turned off by what takes place in the political arena in Jamaica. I fall in the minority group of Jamaican young people who actually keep up to date on world affairs and the daily ins and outs of my country through the eyes of the media as well as my very own observations. The night the election was called I sat at home and watched from my TV screen how dedicated supporters stood for hours to see their leader take the stage and announce the date. I didn't even attempt to stay up and watch the entire broadcast because I had work in the morning and the date affected me in no way or form. The date was called and immediately after the entire nation seemed to turn upside down.

Shootings were claimed to be politically linked and people became even fearful to wear their favourite outfit because of the colour scheme. As a young person the behaviour of our leaders is enough to instantly turn off my interest in the entire political process. When looking for someone to emulate I would immediately look over my political leaders, isn't that a shame? The constant hurtful words that are thrown across both floors doesn't reflect good on a nation that claims to be progressing but reflects a nation that is stagnant in terms of the way of thinking.

From time to time those of us looking on ponder the thought as to whether or not it is the greed for power that changes these bright minds or they were like this before. When I sit and hear our leaders claim that they are for the people and have the people's best interest at heart I actually laugh at the thought because for many years we have spoken about being tired of the same old type of politics yet it continues. Then I look at the crowds that come out to support those who they months before claimed to not care about them and who weeks after the election they will claim to not know my heart actually pains me. Our leaders are the way they are because of what we as the population accepts from them. If we stopped supporting the vulgarity and the broken promises our leaders would eventually change to find ways to meet our needs because in the end their faith is in our hands but unfortunately majority of us have failed to see that. 

So, we can continue to claim that nobody will do a better job at the country but if they see that it matters not if they do good or bad they will still receive support then why change?

I currently have THREE books available for purchase
1.Stripped Souls
2.The Poet's Escape
3.The Voice of Jamaica
You can get my books on the following platforms:
Ingram (Free delivery to Jamaica)
Baker and



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