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Where is the good in the world?

Each and everyday we wake up and most of the times we are thankful for life. We interact with people on a daily basis, either at school, work or just a hello or bye to a stranger. We are able to form perceptions about those we meet either by how they look or their actions. How much good do you encounter on a daily basis? How many people do you come across who you can genuinely conclude to be a good person? I've come across a lot of individuals throughout my 23years on this earth and at first I believed the world to be completely good. I always look for the good in an individual and try my best to embrace the bad or inspire change. Eventually, one gets tired of trying to search for the good in someone. More and more each day I've come to realize that the world is filled with so many pretenders. There are those who will pretend to be knowledgable in certain areas to win your trust, there are those who will pretend to be a good friend so that you will feel comfortable around them and there are those who will pretend to love you so that they can enjoy your loving but give nothing in return.

There are many individuals who have been drained by others who have taken advantage of them. There are some of us who give so much and  in the end we are treated as if we never gave anything at all. It's not difficult to see why so many of us including myself wonder from time to time if there is still good left in this world. The sad part of it all is that the bad ones are those who are embraced while the few good that still remain are treated as outcasts. As each day passes more and more of the few good people who are left have given into the bad treatment of others and the ungratefulness and have opted to join the bad fold. Where does that leave the world? It leaves the world with the continued growth of bad people and the dwindling good in society. 

I urge those of us who have opted to do the best we can by people not to lose faith. The good you do today may not be appreciated but you will be rewarded for it in some way or form. You may feel down now because you are hurting despite giving the best of yourself but as good people we have to continue to stand up amidst the world that continues to get worse.



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