Am I the only one who has come to realize that the only time the government really cares about public opinion is when it comes to election time. The government can't regain power without the help of the public. We as citizen have the power to decide whether or not they are given the chance to further rip our country apart. Why is then that we as citizens fail to see that the power is indeed in our hands. As Jamaicans we are the most vocal people but when it comes to getting up and speaking up for our rights we scared into silence.
When a young government minister can get up and encourage the young minds of the nation to leave the country because of lack of opportunity it certainly speaks volumes. They could care less or not about the fact that employment is so difficult to find. They simply want to send us off so we can be a problem to there nations. To the minister, did you know that the most valuable resource of a nation is its people? Apparently this has slipped your mind or are you so focused on the development of the brand Jamaica for tourist? When I look around I see countries placing so much effort on the youngest members of their nation to ensure that they get the best opportunities at the cheapest cost. Here in Jamaica however we are encouraged to pack up our bags and leave.
For, the young amongst us who have completed their university degree in politics I implore you to seek other career options because you will sit and wait until politicians are no longer able to keep their eyes open before they decide to give up the seats they have carved themselves in for so so many years. The country is not being built for the future generation, the country is being built for the same politicians we see seated now. They make decisions by themselves for themselves and your pocket is the last thing that they consider.
My wish for Jamaica is that we wise up and realize that the government will always do whatever it wants but at the end of the day we are ones who put them in that position to do as they please. So is either we get up and speak up for ourselves or continue to watch our lives standstill because we can't afford to move it forward
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