So many things are on my mind as I write this and I just have to share them with you. I am concerned about the future of Jamaica. My blog is entitled The Voice of Jamaica and I will continue to share my opinions about my nation.When I journey into Kingston each day from Spanish Town I
often take in my surroundings and evaluate people and buildings. Factories standing firm but
empty,lack of activity, while homeless people turn them into shelter. What if these factories were back up and operation?instead of these homeless people using it as a place to sleep at night they could use it as a source to generate an income and build a home of their own.
often take in my surroundings and evaluate people and buildings. Factories standing firm but
empty,lack of activity, while homeless people turn them into shelter. What if these factories were back up and operation?instead of these homeless people using it as a place to sleep at night they could use it as a source to generate an income and build a home of their own.
It's that time of year when graduation pictures start to surface and everybody is so proud of their achievements. However, on the back of these beautifully framed images are a list of debts that these young minds will have to pay before their names are placed in the gleaner and on social media sites. So much time is spent on selling the resources of our nation to other countries while our very own cry out for some assistance. Is it safe to say that our leaders are simply just lazy? They can't bother to put in the hardwork so they give it to someone else to handle?
Our leaders surface on our television screens with big smiles to say how much good is going on in our nation. Are you experiencing the good,can you sleep peacefully at nights? If you can,congratulations because majority of Jamaicans can't. Limited opportunities are out there for hundreds of thousands of young people to fight over and for those who win the fight are greeted with little or no money to make ends meet. I wonder if our leaders realize that the more they sell off the island is the more the most important resources of the nation, the people, will spend their last dime to leave the country.
August is fast approaching so that means independence celebrations are fast approaching. People will be seen parading in their colours and spirits lifted high but what are we really celebrating what have we really achieved? I would really love to feel proud of my nation but there is not much to feel proud of as our leaders continue to break our country apart piece by piece. Jamaica is in deep trouble but as usual our leaders are blind to it.
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