Remember as I child when our parents did each and everything for us. The times when we were down and our little steps couldn't seem to find the right balance.Those times when we took a bite of something that looked so enticing to our little eyes but were not meant for sensitive little stomach.At that moment in our lives our parents paved the path of our lives.However as more steps were taken on this path that we found ourselves our parents let go a little bit as we now knew a bit more of how to balance.
Our teenage years brought us to the belief that we somehow understood the path that was paved for us. That human want of control,the satisfaction that we know all the answers filled our once fragile little bodies as we flashed off our parents as they reached out a helping hand to us as they knew we hadn't yet understood the path of life...the path was so far from complete.
As we reached that bridge from teenage years to adulthood the path was now filled with potholes that grew as we tried to maneuver them. The path of life can only fully be understood by those who have completed all the steps to the complete path.However my journey may not be your journey, what helps us in life is that hand that is given to us when our journey first begins no matter how far we find ourselves from the source we always know how to find our way back.
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