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Love yourself outside of social media!

When you log into social media you are taken into a world where everyone seems to be striving for perfection. Filters are applied to cover flaws so we will either feel better about ourselves or others will be accepting of us. Some of us receive the validation that we need that will allow us to feel better when we log off but what happens when we realize that we don't receive that same kind of validation in real life when we can no longer apply filters to our flaws? In order for people to be accepting of the reality of the flaws that we have,we have to start campaigns to encourage us to be proud of how we naturally are. I may come across as if I am fighting out against people expressing themselves but that isn't the case. Why do people continually say that they are proud of who they are and they don't care how people view them yet everyone looks the same as if they are all fresh out of the same factory. The other issue is how people will say love yourself just how...

Don't let my hair stress you!

Apparently, people are very preoccupied with hair these days. If you choose to relax your hair you are perceived to be ashamed of your black heritage and if you choose to keep your hair natural you are classified as being unprofessional, I've heard individuals speaking about how we don't like rules and we are turning away from how things were. Not because something was established in the olden days means it is still applicable today or holds any form of merit. In schools, children are being turned back simply because their hair is deemed unsuitable and that is simply a shame. When you send your children to school you send them to get an education and to grow as an individual but as parents you need to remember that schools will try to recondition what you have implemented at home. If a school tells a child that she should straighten her hair because her natural hair makes her look untidy the school is telling your child that her natural state is unsuitable and in order t...

Let's Talk Inspiration

In quiet moments where are your thoughts? Do you constantly focus on the things you lack or the things that you are blessed with? I found myself dwelling a lot on the things that I lacked in my quiet moments until I realized that I was draining myself worrying more than being appreciative. We live in a world where we can find inspiration on all corners but some of us choose to walk on the straight path and ignore the turns for inspirations. Don't act as if you are always strong and you've never been weak. Don't act like you've never found yourself in a hopeless situation. One thing I tell myself daily is that I never have all the answers so everyday I wake up I try to grow in my personal and spiritual development. Many of us spend too much of our time trying to explain the concept of love rather than actually showing love. Many of us spend too much time trying to explain why we are good people than actually showing our goodness. We have found ourselves being overly e...

When a King finds his queen!

Image: Lovestruckcollection So you've been in a couple relationships and despite giving it your all you still end up on the failing end at the end of the day. What keeps going wrong? Why can't you seem to find the perfect partner for you? Are you just simply bad at choosing partners or are you just looking for the right things in the wrong place. You are looking for a woman who will support you and love you for who you are but you continually pursue women who have no depth. You seek out women who are openly obsessed with materialistic things and their looks but somehow you expect those women to be open to loving and investing in you? The truth is many times it isn't that we failed at a relationship it is that we continually give our all to people who don't even understand the meaning of sacrifice. We can't expect someone to appreciate the love we give them if they have no idea of the meaning of love itself because of their self obsession. When a King comes...

My first trip to Negril

For years I wanted to visit Negril. I'm a lover of nature and I especially enjoy discovering new sites in my country and learning about the history of my beautiful island. I boarded the Knutsford Express from New Kingston. My journey took me across the North Coast High Way for the very first time. My first stop was in Ocho Rios as the bus stopped to unload and load passengers. Firstly, I must point out that the comfort on the Knutsford Express is simply amazing. My next stop was in the beautiful parish of Trelawny and although it was a short stop I did get to take in some of the spectacular views. The next stop was that of Montego Bay before it was finally time to head on to my final destination in Negril.  The view along the way reminded me of just how naturally beautiful Jamaica is. The calmness of the sea and the lush vegetation brings a peace that can't be found in anything else, I simply rested my head and got lost in the beauty that is Jamaica. I would be staying ...

Church ministry without God

Have you ever been to a church service and when the singers are singing you feel nothing? You can hear the words coming out of their mouths but they have no  conviction whatsoever? Music is one of the most important parts of church ministry and if God isn't in it, it shouldn't be called Gospel music to begin with. Some singers in church sing for self! They know they are blessed with beautiful voices so they use the church to showcase it but it isn't about ministry. It is simply to let people know what they have going on. They stand before you and they have blank expressions on their faces, while they sing such powerful lyrics. They aren't moved by it but they somehow expect that the congregation will be. The next issue is that of the modern day Gospel music. Call me old fashion but it isn't my flavour at all. Why should I have to be wondering whether I'm listening to Gospel or I'm at a dancehall event? Why does the church have to change itself to resemb...

Where is the love?

 I love to hear the stories of elderly couples of how they fell in love and how they manage to stay in love for many years. It's very encouraging to hear stories that lead you to believe that maybe love is really still out there for you. Where is the love? For young people like myself I believe that ego has played a huge role in breaking down relationships. Everybody wants to be right all the time, everybody wants to look perfect to the world, everybody is looking for a partner that they will look good with. When this happens and then it falls apart they feel as if it's best to give up on love. The truth is it was never love to begin with. Love never failed us it was what we believed to be love. Everybody is in a rush to the altar and we don't take things slowly enough so that we can have long lasting connections. Our calls are quick and we text more than we call, we focus too much on sex and less on intimacy. We have let social media dictate what our relationships s...
