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Fake love

She made you weak in the knees I made you stand tall She set your lips on fire I made your heart cold  I gave you such pure true love she gave you the ultimate passion  You had the best of both worlds till i became bold  Why continue to sprinkle your dry soul with love when my pastures remained parched  The one who you introduced as your friend was now the one you kissed  The one who stood by your side and cared for you the best was no longer the one to make your eyes sparkle She never shouted at you she wore the pain beneath her smile You lifted your hand to meet her delicate flesh And she already knew what would come next  The tears covered your face as you begged for forgiveness She walked out that day and said goodbye to the world of pain you gave her Now you have moved on and profess to be happy The one who made you weak in the knees now brings you to your knees  You hold her hand and ask her to marry you  You kiss her lips as she says yes and the fa

Check the new pages

Sometimes we meet people on a bad day,month or year. Sometimes we don't see the entire story but only a fraction and it may not be pleasing to us. Sometimes we meet people when they are trying to over come an obstacle in life but we don't see that. Sometimes we meet people after they have overcome a heartbreak but we just look at the fear in their eyes and laugh at their weakness. Sometimes we are presented with the old pages of someone life but and we form conclusions without flipping to the new pages. Sometimes we are so caught up in that particular bad moment that we experienced that the newness of a new day are never factored into our analysis.


Can you hear the drums beating? Do you hear the footsteps approaching? Can you hear the horns of the flashy cars blaring? Do you see the lines forming as the supporters come out cheering? The doors are flung open  As the parliamentarians come closer with their perfectly tailored suits and stush shoes The seats are filled as the meeting begins Some lean back with phones in hands  Such looks of disinterest as the plans for the future takes the centre fold Children and women being raped and murdered on street corners The disinterested look grows stronger  The prime minister flashes a bright smile  She seems caring just for a little while  Parliament is in session  We can't disturb Ministers busy discussing the future of our country We dare not say a word The hours roll by and some step out when the tension gets high If Jamaica could cry out she would ask us why Why do we continue to rip her to pieces as the years go by? Her beaches try the b

The early bird catches the most worm

Our island Jamaica is really going through some hard times recently as it relates to the increase in acts of violence against our children. Recently, a fourteen year old female student was killed in the parish of St.Thomas. Since the brutal murder of the student a lot of talk can be heard about the early hours that students have to wake in order to travel several miles in order to go to school. This is a subject that I am very familiar with as I had to journey from the outskirts of Spanish Town every morning to reach school by 7:30 at Wolmer's High School for girls. Interestingly, however throughout my entire high school life I was probably late just once as I received perfect attendance for several years. This journey taught me good time management and respect for time. There were several times however when I would use my first class to catch up on some well needed sleep this didn't go down well with my teachers.      On the flip side of things, I had the privilege of having a

Sexed up

No, the heading isn't a mistake but I figured since the world is so sex consumed it would be a sure way to the get the attention of my readers today. I did an experiment in my page a couple years ago just to get a look inside the mind of people. On my facebook page I realized that when I wrote a poem or story centered around a strong sexual theme it received more attention. People had so much input and praised my writing skills. However, some of my best writings based on fellow writers are not those centered around sexual themes but in order for people to get a message it seems you have to associate it with sex.   I am not trying to deter people from reading romance novels or engaging in sexual discussions I'm just trying to show that a balance is important. Take for instance the fifty shades of grey movie that has stirred so much attention. Why isn't the same attention or even more shown towards the movie Selma that is about the snuggles of our black people? Majority of my

Side Positions

  Am I the only one who is really tired of the terms 'side woman' and 'side man' or matey as Jamaicans tend to call it? From the good old days coming from the bible men where somewhat expected to have more than one woman and nothing was thought of it while women were expected to always be pure and virtuous. Fast forward to present times and men are still somewhat expected to have more than one woman while on the other hand to some extent women are still expected to be pure and virtuous. People no longer slaughter a lamb or give sacrifices on an altar to God so apparently things have changed from then till now. As hard as some of you women might find it to believe there are some men out there who can remain faithful to one woman. Want to know what I believe the problem is? Women have simply say down and accepted that this just how men are supposed to be, so much so that they are proud to be called a side chick or contented to be called the wife despite knowing that he ha

The obsession with Celebrities

   So today, I was just scrolling through my facebook feed and it hit me that most of the talk of the day was centered around the lives of celebrities. Do some of us even form our own opinions or we just simply go with whatever celebrities promote? Perhaps many of you are not aware of the fact that these celebrities have no idea who you are not do they care about your opinions. Then there are some individuals who will sit and write paragraphs under celebrities photographers proclaim get their love for them or telling them how to live there lives. The time you spend pouring out your heart to some of these celebrities you could be using to help improve your very own life. I am not saying that it's wrong to have role models or see someone who you would like to emulate but for heavens sake can you try and look up to someone who is adding some form of substance to this world. The world has enough women with the perfect bodies and the perfect skin, what the world needs is women who have
