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2016 election is over

The election process is over and now it's time t move forward with our country. Some perhaps are disappointed with the results while others are overflowing with joy. What matters most is what happens now after the results. As a nation we need to put aside all the arguments and unkind words used during the election process and come together for the betterment of our nation. The most important lesson that I took away from this election is to always remain humble. Never ever exalt yourself into thinking that you are above anyone because life will bring you down in the worse of ways. Let us get up and get out and do the very best we can for our beautiful country.

I am ashamed of Jamaican politics

(Image source: The Jamaica Gleaner)   At the young age of 24 yrs old I am officially turned off by what takes place in the political arena in Jamaica. I fall in the minority group of Jamaican young people who actually keep up to date on world affairs and the daily ins and outs of my country through the eyes of the media as well as my very own observations. The night the election was called I sat at home and watched from my TV screen how dedicated supporters stood for hours to see their leader take the stage and announce the date. I didn't even attempt to stay up and watch the entire broadcast because I had work in the morning and the date affected me in no way or form. The date was called and immediately after the entire nation seemed to turn upside down. Shootings were claimed to be politically linked and people became even fearful to wear their favourite outfit because of the colour scheme. As a young person the behaviour of our leaders is enough to instantly turn ...

Diary of a Poet Week 4

(Available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble for purchase) Wow! Firstly, I want to apologize for being away for such a long time, I promise you that I will never neglect you again. I have been so busy pushing my new book that I completely forgot about my blog. To keep up with my daily activities I recommend that you follow me on Instagram @saccheenlaing_poet. So what has this poet been up to? Well this week I launched my T-shirt line, a line featuring some of my quotes and poems. Being a poet and not having much of a social life leaves me with all the time in the world to focus on ways to push my writing more. I'm not suggesting that a social life isn't important I'm just putting it out there that it can be difficult for a poet who often times tends to love her words more than she loves human interactions. I'm not sure it it's the same for other poets but I tend to feel overwhelmed having day to day conversations but as soon as I curl up and star to write or...

What do you do to celebrate Black History Month?

It's February first and the start of Black History month. Please prepare yourself for the posts about being proud to be black and how appreciative they are for all the sacrifices our ancestors made. As a black person myself I rarely male reference to this month because I try to show my appreciation for my black people every day. I believe that as black people we should make an effort to show the love we have for our race everyday so that this month will not appear to be so much of a huge spectacle. Rather than creating a spectacle for a month and probably even just today only, because most will forget that this Black History month in the days to come. Let us write down something we are proud of as a black person for the 29 days of this month.

Do you love Jamaica?

It really isn't hard to get up and  say that you love Jamaica. It's pretty easy to utter the words I love you but do we always mean it? For the most part we are very defensive when non Jamaicans say hateful things about our country but what do we do to show how much we love our country? Apart from the occasional pictures that we take in our colours or the visits we make to the beach or parks what are we doing to show love for our country? If you love something or someone how do you take care of it or how do you show them that you love them? It all comes down to effort and commitment. Would you place your loved one in the arms of someone who wishes them no good or someone who continually mistreats them? I'm pretty sure your response would be no, then why do we continually place Jamaica in the hands of those who wish the country no good and continually mistreat the country?As Jamaicans we need to make a greater effort to spread more positivity about our nation. We need to s...

Diary of a Poet Week 3

For many years I was that odd person in classes who had to write everything on paper before I ever typed it on a computer. From simply quotes, poems to essays and lecture notes it all had to be written with  pencil on my paper. This week I struggled with writting my very first novel because I decided to type instead of writting on my paper like I always do. Am I the only writer who has to write before typing? The other struggled I faced this week was that of balancing the time I give to building up the empire of others and building my very own. I attending a publishing seminar for well needed tips going forward into publishing. Even though I've published two books you can always learn more to ensure that you improve each and every time. My advice for writers this week is to keep pushing forward even when the ideas aren't coming just give yourself time. Never become arrogant and always think about what will resonate with your reader. Never try to change yourself because believe ...

Diary of a Poet Week 2

I know I'm a bit late but better late than never  right? So this week I decided to get some work done on my novel that I'm hoping to release by the end of the year. As a poet stepping into full blown story writing can be a bit challenging. During the week thus far I've been able to write five poems and yet to finish a chapter in my book. When you love poetry and is basically obsessed with it then you kind of lack the dedication when it comes to other writings. Well, I decided to jump into the world this week and get to socializing. It didn't go as well as I had hoped and I came to the conclusion that my closest friend will forever be my paper and by extension my poetry books. In my country, I'm not familiar with poets my age so basically I'm a loner with my thoughts.The most effective platforms for me to share my poems with the world have been Google+ and Instagram. Both platforms have connected me with other poets and it's been a fun and educational e...
