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Do you love Jamaica?

It really isn't hard to get up and  say that you love Jamaica. It's pretty easy to utter the words I love you but do we always mean it? For the most part we are very defensive when non Jamaicans say hateful things about our country but what do we do to show how much we love our country? Apart from the occasional pictures that we take in our colours or the visits we make to the beach or parks what are we doing to show love for our country? If you love something or someone how do you take care of it or how do you show them that you love them? It all comes down to effort and commitment. Would you place your loved one in the arms of someone who wishes them no good or someone who continually mistreats them? I'm pretty sure your response would be no, then why do we continually place Jamaica in the hands of those who wish the country no good and continually mistreat the country?As Jamaicans we need to make a greater effort to spread more positivity about our nation. We need to s...

Diary of a Poet Week 3

For many years I was that odd person in classes who had to write everything on paper before I ever typed it on a computer. From simply quotes, poems to essays and lecture notes it all had to be written with  pencil on my paper. This week I struggled with writting my very first novel because I decided to type instead of writting on my paper like I always do. Am I the only writer who has to write before typing? The other struggled I faced this week was that of balancing the time I give to building up the empire of others and building my very own. I attending a publishing seminar for well needed tips going forward into publishing. Even though I've published two books you can always learn more to ensure that you improve each and every time. My advice for writers this week is to keep pushing forward even when the ideas aren't coming just give yourself time. Never become arrogant and always think about what will resonate with your reader. Never try to change yourself because believe ...

Diary of a Poet Week 2

I know I'm a bit late but better late than never  right? So this week I decided to get some work done on my novel that I'm hoping to release by the end of the year. As a poet stepping into full blown story writing can be a bit challenging. During the week thus far I've been able to write five poems and yet to finish a chapter in my book. When you love poetry and is basically obsessed with it then you kind of lack the dedication when it comes to other writings. Well, I decided to jump into the world this week and get to socializing. It didn't go as well as I had hoped and I came to the conclusion that my closest friend will forever be my paper and by extension my poetry books. In my country, I'm not familiar with poets my age so basically I'm a loner with my thoughts.The most effective platforms for me to share my poems with the world have been Google+ and Instagram. Both platforms have connected me with other poets and it's been a fun and educational e...

Diary of a Poet Week 1

Welcome to 2016 everyone! I want to firstly say thank you for the support throughout 2015 and I look forward to blogging more this year as well as growth for this blog. I've decided to start a diary here that speaks to how it is for me as a poet on a daily basis. This morning after compiling my goals for 2016 as you can see above  I started to reflect on the year 2015. It was an up and down year where friendships and relationships were concerned but as it relates to my writing it was the best year of my life. I was able to publish two poetry books (The Voice of Jamaica and The Poet's Escape) of which I am very very proud.  For the year 2015 I was able to write a poem for each day which was as my 2015 resolution. This year I'm not setting any resolutions but goals that I will work on each and everyday that will help to make me a better person. As a poet it can leave us a bit more in love with our thoughts and the characters in our heads than people around us. This can lead...

Please no 'New Year New ME 'posts!

The year is quickly coming to an end and I've started to see social media posts about resolutions and changes to come in the new year. The ever so popular one is that of 'New Year new me', when people say this it's as if they believe that the new year will automatically just push them to make changes in their life. Changes that they refused to make a month ago, a week ago or even a day ago. The new year brings with it the same days and months the only difference is how you decide to allocate it. What we need to focus on is planning our moves silently than advertising them to the world. Because often times you won't see the numbers offering to help you with these changes but you will see them appear to laugh if you fail. For the new year it is my hope that we will decide to start focusing on doing than saying, focus on true happiness that's vanity, focus on being genuine than keeping up appearances, focus on living than just making a living. Let us focus on perso...

The beautiful mind of Jamaican children

I've always been a fan of school challenge quiz, both at the primary and high school level. I enjoy watching my local programmes more than I do internal ones. Every night I ensure that I tune into the TVJ Junior School Challenge quiz program and no matter what my day was like, seeing those children exercising their analytical skills brings nothing but joy to my soul. Just to see them smiling with pride as they get their answers correct and also remaining composed when they come up short on the answers. It gives me hope that there is still some good in my country and it encourages me to keep on hoping and doing my part to shape the minds of the youth of Jamaica I want to encourage each and every Jamaican to support our young people. Watch the activities that they are engaged in and let them know that they are doing in a good job whether they are victorious or not. What we say to them today has a lot to do with who they become in the future. Our country already has too much nega...

JAMAICA is in a sad state

I haven't blogged in a while but how could I sit aside and not speak on the recent issues affecting my nation. Things happen from time to time that are beyond the control of anyone but our reaction to when these things happens is what shows the metal from which we are made. There in lies the major problem with the leaders of our country. They have little or no proper communication skills and it starts with the prime minister herself. I tune into the news every evening and follow updates on social media sites as it relates to the issues of the country. The prime minister is always more vocal when it comes to showing her power in relation to the opposition but so weak when it comes to the affairs of the country and communicating with the people who she claims to have nothing but love for. As a young lady in Jamaica I'm worried about the future of my nation and what it will be like for my fellow young people. At school we aren't safe, walking home from school we aren't saf...
