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Showing posts with the label bloggers

The Charlie Charlie challenge continues the trend of stupid challenges

So once again the world is buzzing to this new challenge called the Charlie Charlie challenge. My stance on this is very simple no spiritual quotes or scriptures. The world apparently has an obsession with jumping on to to idiotic concepts. This challenge is just the latest in a long line of challenges that are nothing but things for people with idle hands to do.  For the past couple of weeks I've been doing a read one book a week challenge. I shared the challenge on several social media sites and not one person decided to join in. The young in our world find the idea of silly challenges more attractive than they do actual challenges that will add substance to their lives. Our young people are very impressionable so they will soak up any and everything that they see around them and that is very alarming for our world. The reason why it's even more alarming now is because the good is starting to become a rare commodity in our society. ChalÅ‚enges such as this one just highlights

A look at love

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with a little water and held it before me, and said this: "You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love." This was how I saw it: "As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. Ho wever, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love...they try to posses it, they demand, they expect... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you. For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetim

Jamaica facts (Pictures of Jamaica)

The photograph attached with this blog post shows a wasp on a flower. I took this picture a couple years ago in my mothers garden for a photography assignment. Today, while going through old photographs I stumbled upon this beauty.  Many times I've been stopped by people who say that I tend to focus too much on the negative aspects of my island. So today I decided  that perhaps I will venture into some of its beauty.  My country is a very beautiful island and what I actually do love most of all is the happiness of the people. I can find so much peace by just looking at the nature around me but this also makes me question how much do we still love and appreciate the beauty of this beautiful island. We spend so much time selling off its rich resources or spending time polluting it with our disgraceful practices. The beauty of Jamaica is with us now but will it still be with us for our children to enjoy in the future? Why is it that we claim to love our country so much but we

Marriage wasn't meant for everyone

In recent times I have seen a lot of people on social media posting about finding the right partner and settling down. We all had dreams growing up of the fairy tale wedding and the happily ever after. With each passing day are we all not seeing that we need to put these fairy tale ideals aside and start living in the real world. Firstly, the idea that the ring needs to be perfect for the proposal to be perfect. Newsflash there doesn't even need to be a proposal or an engagement period. Secondly, the continued addiction to looking at wedding dresses and venues will set up yourself for a lot of disappointment later in when you realize it's unrealistic to spend so much money on the ceremony. Why are so many christans so eager to get married? Is the temptation of sex before marriage getting to you and you need to rush the process? When you go to a church as a young lady it's as if the young men have never seen a young lady before, the desperation radiates from their bod

The Jamaican dominance

It's a year when the world is looking forward to the upcoming World Athletic Championships. We here in Jamaica are excited as usual to see our track stars take the world by storm. As the build up to the  world championship continues some have become alarmed as to whether our athletes will be able to deliver the brilliant performances that we have come to expect. I however, am not alarmed and is excited at the prospect of the sensational new Jamaican starts that I'm seeing coming to the front of the pack. I love the sport of track and field and tune in from the basic school to the senior level. When I see the determination on the faces of the youngest in our society as they put out their all to become victorious it gives me a sense of hope that despite all the negativity that often surrounds my island the sport of track and field continues to provide an oasis to bring unity amongst all of us. During the boys and girls championship season we see school ties on coaster bu

"Let's do it for the gram"

There are days when I just look back and think to myself are people really as happy as they claim to be or is it just about making it seem like they are. In recent times I've noticed that suicide has been on the increase especially amongst young people. People who we would consider to seem to have it all together and were enjoying life. Before spending so much money to attend events,go to expensive restaurants and hotels you should think about the reasons for which you are doing it. Clearly people are just spending so much money to convince others that their life is perfect when behind all the social media hype their lives are filled with sadness. If people could see through the images you post what would they really see? Many of us do our best to ensure that we have the best equipment to capture the moments in our lives while we allow the essence of the moments to pass us by. After a long vacation the first thing some of us do is ensure that we post all the pictures for people to
